MBR Academics

MBR Academics

Educational Courses Not Taught In Schools

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! How To Get Good Grades

The following video explains the necessary steps to getting fabulous grades.
Please watch:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! & Your Gratitude Journal

This is just a reminder to start writing in your gratitude journal everyday.
Write down all that you can think of that you are grateful for.
Every night take out the gratitude journal and read over the entries you wrote.
Go to sleep with those thoughts , if possible.
It works.

Stay tuned for the next class,Champion!

Monday, July 25, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! Great + Attitude = Gratitude

Here's a new math problem!
Great + Attitude = Gratitude
Did you ever notice the "attitude" of successful people.
The majority of people who become successful have a great attitude of life.
The 2 words together = gratitude.
Gratitude means being grateful for what you have in your life.
If you have a journal, your lesson for today is to start writing EVERYDAY in your journal.
Write down what you are grateful for.
Make a list of what you are so grateful for.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful that I am alive.
Why do this?
This lesson is done for the retraining you brain. You are slowly reprogramming your subconscious mind with the new IDEAs that you WANT in your life.
If you follow these lessons,I guarantee your life will change for the absolute best it can be!
I've attached a video to give you inspiration for your gratitude journal. Please watch.
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
--Maya Angelou

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! How to Get Organized for School

Check out this video on how to get organized for school. Being organized is the 1st step to becoming  a straight A student.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! Thoughts to think!

I am proud of myself.
I am a straight A student.
I am worthy.
I am a straight A student.
I can do hard things.
I am a straight A student.
I am happy,successful,powerful,and confident.
I am a straight A student.
I love myself.
I am a straight A student.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What do I Am A Straight A Student! AND A PARASITE HAVE IN COMMON?

If you have been telling yourself the same statement 12x a day, keep going for a total of at least 30  consecutive days.
It takes a minimum of 30 days for the subconscious to absorb it.
If you have seen  the film INCEPTION, Leonardo di Caprio states that the worst PARASITE out there is an IDEA.
Your PARASITE is your IDEA.
You must let it infiltrate your whole being.
That is why you say your idea to yourself at least 12 x a day.
Your IDEA is : I am A Straight A Student.
This course will help
Keep thinking it 12 x a day.
Stay tuned.
Here's a video to show what  I'm talking about:

Quote of the Day

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
William James

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! Think it 12 x/day!

First tip:
Say I Am A Straight A Student!
  12x/ day and THINK about that statement 12 x/day!
Say it before you get out of bed in the morning.
Say it while brushing your teeth.
The more you say it to yourself out loud looking in a mirror ,the faster it works.
Think about it.
Obsess about the idea.

That's what this course is all about.
Stay tuned for the next class.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! And The Kid on The Bike!

Today I am presenting a you tube video for you to view which shows the kind of thinking a student needs to have in order to become a success. Please take a look.

The kid on the bike says it all ! Believe in YOURSELF! Stay tuned for the next post!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! Getting Started

I'm presenting this course in hopes of making just 1 student become the success he/she wants to be.
Who do you really want to be?
What do you want in life?
What will make you happy?
Would you like to see a STRAIGHT A Report Card?

For this course you will need the following materials:

a  pen
children's drawing paper
colored pencils
a journal
poster board

Once you get these materials ready,
you'll be good to go.
See you soon.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Am A Straight A Student! Welcome!

Hello Student!

They say when the student is ready , the teacher will appear.
I am your teacher. I will teach you things not taught in school.
I will teach you to become a STRAIGHT A STUDENT!
I will teach you the science of success .
I will try to answer all questions from you.
Remember, learning is about wanting to learn about " it",
whatever the it" may be.
Check out the video of the student who received 21  A's in 1 semester out of 23 classes!
It really can happen for YOU!

Stay tuned for the 1st lesson.